Churches & Faith-Based Organizations
The documentary film, The Ants and the Grasshopper, offers an important story about what missionary work looks like in a time of climate change. The film also addresses themes such as hunger, climate change, and race.
The documentary film is therefore a helpful prompt for Christian communities seeking to understand what Christianity requires in the twenty-first century.
Bible Study
This Bible study is designed to offer the format for a discussion of the film over the course of four Sunday School or Bible Study classes of one hour each.
The study guide that follows is designed to lead a community through the themes of the film.
Each session touches the issues of care for the earth, care for women and families, hunger, fellowship, missionary work, loving communication with fellow Christians, and hearing God’s will.
This sermon was written by Pastor Devon Bailey, from Austin, TX after watching The Ants & The Grasshopper. We offer it to you as one example of how to address the climate crisis from the pulpit, and you are welcome to use it in part or in its entirety.