Take Action
You can support them and their climate work through collective actions like:
Host a screening of The Ants & The Grasshopper, and encourage your audience to get involved with local farm projects like DTown, Black Dirt Farm Collective, and People’s Kitchen Collective, as seen in the film.
Educate your neighbors and communities on farming’s effect on climate using these resources from Fair World Project. Urge them to support The Green New Deal with the Sunrise Movement.
Host your own recipe day with your neighbors, like Anita’s group Soil, Food & Healthy Communities does, with recipes made with local, organic food from farms that use regenerative farming practices.
Support debt-relief for Black and Indigenous farmers by advocating for policies that aid their financial health, and by donating to debt-relief fundraisers.
Take action with the Land Stewardship Project to support traditional land stewardship practices.
Support farmers and frontline workers through actions led by HEAL Food Alliance and their members.
Discussion Questions:
- What would a loving response look like to a world where climate change is causing hunger and destruction? What would a community response look like?
- The film shows greater impacts from climate change on under-resourced areas. Why do you think this is? How do you see climate change affecting the under-resourced in your community?
- How did combating gender discrimination in Malawi help combat the hunger crisis? What are some intersecting crises you see in America?
- How might caring for our neighbors include combating climate change?
- The film shows that the folks most burdened by climate change have effective and creative solutions to combat it. Why is this? If you were to take action on climate change, whose lead would you want to follow.